We help entrepreneurs to build
tomorrow’s health

The fund’s mission is to contribute to the creation of value for tomorrow’s healthcare by supporting the most ambitious projects. It is involved in late-stage venture capital projects and specializes in Series A and B in France and Europe.

The Majycc innovation Santé fund was created in 2022 through the merger of Majycc eSanté Invest, an investment team supported by healthcare manufacturers (Ehpad, private clinic groups) and UI Investissement (€1.5 million under management, including €700 million in healthcare). Thus, the fund constitutes a unique platform at the heart of the healthcare ecosystem and enables it to support its investments throughout their development.

With its 13 regional offices, UI Investissement supports French companies that contribute to the local economy. Its 70 employees are committed and invested in the emergence and development of economically and sustainably successful companies.

our participations

our team


Pauline de Breteuil

Associate director

François Miceli

Associate director

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